The New York Times published an article on Feb 23, 2017 by Janet Mock called Young People Get Trans Rights. It's Adults Who Don't. This article is a personal story of Janet Mock and the struggles she faced (and is still faced with) being transgender and how the Trump administration is effecting the transgender community.
Mock wrote this article targeting the older adult population. She argues that young people understand the importance of transgenders men and women being able to use public facilities based on the gender they identify with. However the older adult population does not understand the importance of transpeople being able to use facilities and being treated equally according to their gender identity. Mock points out the suicide and self harm percentages among the transgender community.
Mock is claiming that with the Trump administration is creating a "...culture of fear, ignorance and intolerance...".
I agree with Mock that the Trump admin taking back the law that allows transgender people to use the gender bathroom they identify with is going to cause more bullying and discrimination. We are in the age of forward thinking and forward moving. Making people use a restroom that they don't gender identify is wrong and degrading.
I understand that Trump thinks he is protecting the children from their own peers, but I think he is wrong. Kids are very accepting, it is only when they are told something is wrong or are made fearful of something they can become cruel.
Janet Mock is a very credible source to be writing about this topic. She herself is transgender and was put through embarrassing discrimination during her transition. Mock also talks about how she had thoughts of ending her life and talks about how among transgender people suicide/self harm rates are higher.
One thing I think could be better in this article would be for Mock to talk more about the Trump Admin, it was touched on a couple times, but I feel it could be elaborated on more.
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