Friday, April 28, 2017

Should Contaceptives Be Free?

Contaceptives by definition is a drug or device that prevents pregnancy. During the Obama Administration the Affordable Care Act called for free birth control, however the current administration under Trump are trying to do away with this. 

Preventative services (birth control) does has health benefits for example women that take "the pill" have a decreases chance of getting cancer, helps with uterine fibroides, and heavy menstural bleeding. Why would we want to take this away from our women? Also this pill prevents women who accidentally get pregnant from having to make the hard decision of what they are going to do with this baby. Do we want more abortions? Do we want more children in orphanages or poor living condition? Obviously not. With that being said having free contraceptives in place for women to prevent an unintended/unwanted pregnancy is something we need to keep around! 

I know what some of you are thinking..."Well if you don't want to get pregnant then don't have sex." Let's be real, do you really think men and women are going to stop having sex just because they don't want a child? They won't. Also, we should not have to ask them to stop doing that either. 

Millions of pregnancies a year are unplanned! And the cost of caring for these children are high. In 2010 the government spent $21 billion on unintended pregnancies. This is one of the main reasons that the government should be providing the most effective contraceptives for free. They are good for our women and more cost effective in the long run for the government. 

Here is another article I used to reference and also that supports free contraceptives.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

I wrote a comment on my classmate Amy's blog called titled We the People. Amy wrote an original opinion post about the second amendment being challenged on a daily basis.

The post is about how in the US should not take the right to bear arms away from the people just because of what criminals do with them. I completely agree with this argument that the law abiding citizens of the US should be able to keep their fire arms. If this right was taken away I can almost guarantee that criminals will find the means to get their hands on a gun or even make one if they needed to. With this being said why take this right away? All it would do is piss off a bunch of people.

The media was mentioned in Amy's original post stating that they have a bias towards the destruction of the second amendment. Which in their defense if they did not oppose it on national television they would come off unsympathetic towards whatever situation had occurred.

Guns do not kill people. People kill people. It is unfair to blame a gun on the death of a person when it was a person that pulled the trigger.